Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Papal Notes - Secular Leftist Politics Joined to Ecumenicalsim

....for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. Revelation 18:23

"On the very day Pope Francis was elected in 2013, the head of the World Council of Churches was meeting with colleagues
discussing how to “develop a wholeness in our ecumenical work,” when he offered the example of Francis of Assisi.

When, hours later, the new pope appeared on the loggia of St. Peter’s taking Francis of Assisi as his namesake, Tveit took it to be a providential sign that the two would be great collaborators in the work of Christian ecumenism.

This was Francis’s very clear message form the very beginning,” said Tveit, who observed that while scholarship and theology are
foundational, “we cannot separate theology from the work for peace (dabbling in Foreign Policy), the care of God’s creation (Eco-Fascism), to deal with the situation of the poor and migrants (Pushing Open Borders on Nations).”