Thursday, April 23, 2020

Papal Notes - METANOIA, COVID-19 & mother earth

"Mauricio Lopez is the Executive Secretary of the Pan-Amazon
Ecclesial Network (REPAM), an agency appointed by the Vatican that promotes the Pope’s ecological message to international agencies, governments and world leaders.

REPAM is a great defender of Ladauto Si and Mauricio Lopez is a Jesuit-trained layman and advocate of pagan-idolatry, earth worship and communion with the planet. Due to Lopez’s
veneration of Mother Earth, Pope Francis appointed him to participate in the Synod of the Amazon.
On April 19, 2020, the Vatican’s official news agency published Mauricio Lopez’s assessment of the entire coronavirus crisis.
The article was titled “Communion with Mother Earth will be resurrected after the pandemic” and addressed Laudato Si, COVID-19 and the need to act “NOW.”
He wrote:
Once we overcome the hardest crisis of COVID-19, an integral vision will be necessary, because as the Encyclical Laudato Si says: “everything is interconnected”, and an integral conversion is urgent as proposed in the Amazon Synod as an ecclesial and planetary call. Right now the most important category in human history seems to be: INTEGRAL ECOLOGY. We must rethink all our ways of life and social structures in light of it, but until now we have not understood it” (emphasis original, Vatican News: Communion with Mother Earth will Resurrect after the Pandemic, paragraph 13).
This new “integral ecology” will have a pantheistic paradigm that teaches that we are all one and interconnected. This is not just venerating Mother Earth by calling for an interconnection between the elements of nature. It is also a call to ecumenism, a union of all religions, because we are all one spiritually as well as physically.

Then notice how he says we must do this “NOW” or face certain destruction:
We must recreate our entire society in the light of that vision of integral ecology, or another pandemic will soon do even more damage, and because the most serious of all planetary crises, that of the climate emergency, it will bring us to the end as a civilization if we don’t change NOW (emphasis original, Vatican News: Communion with Mother Earth will Resurrect after the Pandemic, paragraph 14).
This report was endorsed and published by the Vatican.
Look at what solution they offer to avoid the “end of civilization:”
Linked to these principles for METANOIA (spiritual
conversion) in communion with our common home, there is a whole program to guide the resurrection of our sister mother earth before COVID-19, detailed in chapters V and VI of the Encyclical Laudato Si, which we should assume as our essential journey as believers and as humanity” (Vatican News: Communion with Mother Earth will Resurrect after the Pandemic, paragraph 16).
They have not been inactive during the coronavirus lockdown. They have been infesting their propaganda to the world while we have been shut down in our homes. They are selling Laudato Si as the answer to the current crisis and as a deterrent for future pandemics.
Pantheism is worthless in this time of crisis. Notice how God responds to those who believe that they are spiritually or physically connected to the universe:
Saying to a stock (tree), Thou art my father; and to a
stone, Thou hast brought me forth: for they have turned their back unto me, and not their face: but in the time of their trouble they will say, Arise, and save us.” Jeremiah 2:27."