Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Papal Notes - Amazonian Religion vs. 3 Angel's Messages

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Galatians 1:6

"The Pope expressed that we have been mistreating the
earth ....The Pope said: “We have sinned against the Earth, against our neighbor and, in the end, against the Creator.”

This is the new Amazon religion that is replacing Biblical truth and morals.
The great moral problems for the new Amazonian religion are not the 10 commandments, the second coming of Christ or the hour of God’s judgment (Revelation 14: 7); no, it’s about the ecosystem and our connection to it.

While the Bible teaches a hierarchical order: that God is the Creator and He is above nature, the new Amazonian religion is pushing the errors of pantheism, which presents God as part of the ecosystem.

The Biblical order that distinguishes God from nature is being removed. Sins against the earth are sins against God. To honor the earth is to honor God. The essence and substance of God is interconnected with nature. God is absorbed into nature and becomes identical with the cosmos. We are all one; God, humans and earth. That is why Pope Francis can say that sins against the earth are sins against God.

Pope Francis’ Amazonian religion is turning his listeners and followers into pagans.

There is a reason why the Three Angels’ Message is earth’s final warning.
There is a reason why the Three Angels’ Message was predicted thousands of years ago to be relevant and necessary for the end-times.

In these solemn warnings there is a call to worship God, who is above heaven and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. God, the Creator, is only to be worshiped; and not the beasts, nor the idols, nor nature, nor spiritualism, nor the works of the hands of men, nor the mistaken philosophies of fallen human beings."