Saturday, April 18, 2020

IN the NEWS - Norton's Spiritually Naughty "Christianity"

This is what happens when you let the social justice (critical theory / multiculturalism / cultural Marxism / political correctness) from the world within the walls of get this weird spiritualism in the name of Christ.

"A service using the star’s story, songs and spiritual struggles has New Yorkers crazy in love after wowing worshippers in San Francisco.

It’s called the Beyonce’ Mass.
The masses are the brainchild of the Rev Yolanda Norton who, inspired by Beyoncé’s “physical and emotional and spiritual struggles”, put together a service that uses her story and songs as an alternative to traditional Christian worship.

Norton, 37, created the womanist worship service after she gave her Hebrew Bible students at San Francisco Theological Seminary an assignment to tell black women’s stories using Beyoncé’s music in a worship setting.
She then developed a full liturgy that was presented at her seminary’s chapel. “We are not worshipping Beyoncé,” Norton said, twice repeating her answer to an oft-asked question.  “It is a Christian worship service and we are focused on the mission movement of Christ in the world and we are trying to promote a gospel message of love, inclusion and social justice.”

Apparently most of the ‘worshipers’ don’t know that Beyonce’ has a spirit guide that takes over when she is performing, or they simply don’t care.
Enter Beyonce’s alter ego, Sasha.
Beyoncé has expressed in several interviews that while she is
performing, another person (Sasha) takes her over and causes her to do things that she would not ordinarily do.
While in this out of body state, she loses consciousness of her body.  During an interview in 2008 with the magazine Marie Clarie, Beyoncé states: "I have out-of-body experiences (on stage)"....channeling as when a human enters an altered state of consciousness which allows the person open to become a channel for the spirit of another, who can then use the channel to speak and take limited actions (Beyoncé Channeling the spirit of “Sasha Fierce").

Norton discovered that people beyond her seminary were interested in the service that combines worship and women’s rights.
Norton said Beyoncé’s music is fitting for a service that focuses on womanist theology, the intersection of gender, class and race and the empowerment of the marginalized across the African diaspora."
Now therefore, make confession to the LORD God of your fathers, and do His will; separate yourselves from the peoples of the land, and from pagan wives.
Ezra 10:10