Wednesday, April 1, 2020

IN the NEWS - CoronaGreen just Too Much for Vatican Readers

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Galatians 1:6

The fact that an article like this, although pulled, had originally been published by the Vatican speaks volumes of the extremism on the environment that pervades the pontificate of one named for Francis of Assisi.

"Vatican News, the Holy See’s official news service, published and then deleted an article calling the deadly coronavirus an “ally” of planet Earth, sparking outrage in readers.

The article, written by the Jesuit priest Father Benedict Mayaki, was entitled “Coronavirus: Earth’s unlikely ally,” and its secondary headline read, “The changes in human behavior due to the Covid-19 virus pandemic are yielding unintended benefits to the planet.”
Mayaki wrote: “Earth is healing itself,” as a result of the reduction in human activity.
Mayaki’s statements follow Pope Francis’ own assertions on March 22 claiming that the coronavirus pandemic is nature “having a fit” over damage to the environment."