Monday, April 27, 2020

Creation Moment 4/28/2020 - Hear Greenland's Testimony to a Young Earth

If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. Mark 7:16

"Glacier Girl and the lost squadron in Greenland were buried 75 meters under the ice in only 50 years. Even if this observed accumulation rate is too high (roughly 4-5 feet per year) as a worldwide generalization for an average glacier, glaciers aren't
millions of years old. 

The Lost Squadron moved three miles towards to ocean in only 50 years. This is an average of 316 feet per year. The "old" ice would calve off as an iceberg in a very short time, being replaced by fresh ice upslope. So why are the ice cores being treated as gazzillions of years old? How fast do other large glaciers flow to the sea, even in Antarctica?

Even climate change fanatics admit that earth was up to 15 degrees warmer and had up to 40,000 ppm of carbon dioxide in the past according to their (incorrect) evolutionary world view.

Q: So why didn't the poles and glaciers all melt in extended warm periods in the past?
We observed the Roman and Medieval Warm Periods with wheat and grapes being grown in Greenland, etc. Could even massive glaciers survive under such conditions for possibly thousands of years?
A: Nope."
Nathan G. 2/2/20/CMI