Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Creation Moment 4/15/2020 - SPIRITUAL Lesson in Observing the CREATION

"The caterpillar changing to a moth is an illustration of spiritual
reality: The fantastic change that takes place in the life of the person who receives new life in Christ.  The Bible says, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Co 5:17.  A caterpillar crawling in and a butterfly flying out is also a natural illustration of the change that takes place when a man or woman who has been crawling in the dirt of sin hears that Jesus Christ gave his life for sinners, and trusts Christ to save him.
 Christ's Holy Spirit enters his life, giving it a spiritual dimension that it did not have before. He came in equipped only for this life, but he goes out with a new life which lets him fly to spiritual heights and fellowship with God Himself.  Often the transformation is obvious: Drug addicts and alcoholics find that their chains have been broken. With God's power they overcome their weakness. Thieves stop stealing and not only work for their own living, but help others as well. Metamorphosis! New lives in another dimension!  God, who programed the DNA that sets caterpillars free to fly, gave you another book, the Bible, in which He explains how you too can have a transformed life."
Thomas F. Heinze