Saturday, April 11, 2020

Creation Moment 4/12/2020 - Secular Professor comments on those who blend Bible with evolution

But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 10:33

"Steve Stewart-Williams, Associate professor of Psychology at the University of Nottingham’s Malaysia Campus.

He is highly critical of theistic evolutionists who try to retain God as Creator while denying that Genesis is history:
The idea that the Biblical stories are symbolic is charitable to the point of absurdity. What would we think of a university professor who, happening upon unambiguous errors in a favourite student’s work, concluded that the student was speaking symbolically and awarded her top marks? The whole notion that Genesis is metaphorical, and that evolution is a testament to the glory of God, smacks of the kind of spin doctoring that gives politicians a bad name. Liberal Christians alter their original religious beliefs to make them compatible with evolutionary theory, and then scoff at the idea that there was ever any threat. In doing so, they casually downplay just how radically they’ve rewritten their religion. Arguably it is not the same religion as the one it evolved from; it merely shares the same name.