Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Creation Moment 4/1/2020 - That Synchronized Dance

For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof.... Isaiah 13:10

"Dwarf galaxies around our galaxy the Milky Way, the Andromeda galaxy, and now the galaxy Centaurus A, provide further evidence
that the big bang belief is ‘baloney’.
These dwarf galaxies have now been shown to orbit their parent galaxies in a synchronized manner, whereas according to the big bang idea, that should just not be the case.

The standard big bang cosmology of cosmic evolution has the formation of galaxies resulting from the collapse of a chaotic cloud of matter.
This would predict that when large galaxies formed, such as our Milky Way galaxy and the galaxy Centaurus A, small satellite dwarf galaxies would form around them, while their orbits would be essentially random, reflecting the chaotic nature of their origin.

In an online article on this recent discovery we read:
During formation, dwarf galaxies should both appear and move randomly around their host galaxies.”1
There should be pure chaos and not order,” said Müller. “To find everywhere we look this extreme order where we expect disorder—this is strange.” CMI