Friday, April 10, 2020

Creation Moment 4/11/2020 - Racist Darwinian Roots of Nat Geo

"The front page of the April 2018 National Geographic showed a blue-eyed, fair-skinned, blonde-haired girl standing alongside her brown-eyed, medium-brown skinned, dark-haired sister, with the
caption, Black and white: These twin sisters make us rethink everything we know about race.

Editor Susan Goldberg admitted that, “some of the magazine’s archive material left her ‘speechless’, including a 1916 photo of Australian Aborigines with the caption ‘South Australian Blackfellows: These savages rank lowest in intelligence of all human beings’.”

As the late Stephen Jay Gould once wrote, “Biological arguments for racism … increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory.”

The NG magazine cover and caption confirms that we are indeed all “one” race (And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth...Acts 17:26)."