Wednesday, April 1, 2020

CoronaCrises: Observation with an Eye on the Future

"While there is
---a definite distinction between worship of God being forcefully prohibited
---a traditional aspect of worshiping God being temporarily banned,
Q: do these recent accounts offer a preview of the persecution the Bible says will fall on all believers during the end times?
Bible prophecy speaks of an end-time crisis in which a government, influenced by what Scripture calls a “beast” power, will regulate worship down to the day on which it is permitted.

As Daniel 7:25 predicts, the beast “shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and law.”

When this happens, those who do not comply with the religious mandate will consequently have their economic rights, the ability to buy and sell, taken away.
Those who do comply with this state-mandated day of worship have what Scripture calls “the mark of the beast” (Revelation 13:16, 17); they are identified by this singularly unique feature of the “beast” power."
Mark A. Kellner/AmazingFacts