Monday, March 16, 2020

Papal Notes - The "Walkabout"

....and all the world wondered after the beast. Revelation 13:3

"Pope Francis left the Vatican to make a surprise visit Sunday to two churches in Rome to pray for the end of the coronavirus pandemic — a move that came even as Italian health authorities insisted people stay home as much as possible to limit contagion in the heart of Europe’s outbreak.

With his prayer, the Holy Father has invoked the end of the pandemic that is striking Italy and the world, implored for healing for the many sick, recalled the so many victims of these days and asked that their family members and friends find consolation and comfort,”’ Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni said in a statement.

After that, the 83-year-old pope left the basilica, near Rome’s central train station, and headed toward central Piazza Venezia,
strolling along a brief stretch of Via del Corso, a noted shopping street for Romans. He then ducked into a church that most tourists pass by, St. Marcel on the Corso.

The church keeps a “miraculous crucifix that in 1522 was carried in procession through the neighborhoods of the city so that the Great Plague of Rome ended ,” Bruni said."