Friday, March 13, 2020

On the Streets of Babylon: "Silver Solution" Scam Sweeping the Streets

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,

Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be a  "Silver SolutionScam Sweeping the Streets of Babylon ....

"Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt is suing televangelist Jim Bakker for misrepresenting a product on his show, promoting it as a cure for the coronavirus.

Bakker and his guest, Dr. Sherrill Sellman, claimed in an episode of "The Jim Bakker Show" last month that a Silver Solution product could cure strains of the virus, which is now sweeping the globe and leading to large event cancellations and countries imposing quarantine orders in certain regions in an attempt to help contain the virus.
This influenza, which is now circling the globe, you’re saying that Silver Solution would be effective,” Bakker asked during the Feb. 12 broadcast.
Sellman, a naturopathic doctor, replied: “Well, let’s say it hasn’t been tested against this strain of the coronavirus, but it’s been tested on other strains of the coronavirus and has been able to eliminate it within 12 hours.”
The Silver Solution was priced at over $80 on the show."