Saturday, March 21, 2020

IN the NEWS - Toilet Paper Observation

Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
Matthew 24:12
And then shall many … shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
Matthew 24:10

".....we see humans reducing themselves to the law of the jungle.
People who were created in the image of God are transformed into brute beasts.
The coronavirus madness is bringing out the worst in some.
These people are not fighting over hunger because you can see the supermarket shelves full of food in the video. They are wrestling, screaming and contending over toilet paper!

These are what you call “panic shoppers” who are creating a human disaster.
They want everything for themselves.
They have no regard for the disabled, the elderly or the poor.
Panic shoppers are people who look gentle and lovely on the outside, but the coronavirus pandemic has turned them into wild, desperate maniacs that will wrestle over toilet paper.

The coronavirus crisis is more of a human disaster than a natural
We are witnessing the collapse of human civilization. We are seeing lawless behavior and pure anarchy on display. Humanity is losing its dignity while the mob’s hysterical behavior is taking over.

Imagine what these same people would do if they were actually fighting over food?"