Saturday, March 28, 2020

IN the NEWS - CoronaVirus Marian Apparitions?

Oh here we go.....Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.... 1 Timothy 4:1

"An image that many say is an apparition of the Virgin Mary has been photographed in Argentina. The people of San Carlos suspect it is a sign that Our Lady is watching over them during the coronavirus pandemic

The people of San Carlos, Argentina have reported seeing the Virgin Mary in the sky and are sharing a photograph to prove it. The image shows and unusual array of light which bears a resemblance to the Virgin Mary.

Pandemics in particular often spark great changes in societies. In much of the world, coronavirus is not only causing thousands of lives to be lost, but it is also driving many economies into recession.
The impact of these economic troubles remains to be seen, but it could be substantial if we see political upheavals as a result. 

For us, the economics and the politics do not matter so much. We must do all we can to protect human life. And we must do all we can to protect our souls. This is accomplished through the conversion of our hearts to Mary. Every apparition calls for this act."