Friday, March 6, 2020

Creation Moment 3/7/2020 - Nat Geo's Propaganda

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse...
Romans 1:20

"In 2018 National Geographic televised a nature documentary series called One Strange Rock.

 Narrator Will Smith (WS) opens with, You go back far enough, and everyone, every living thing, we all come from the same place. A moment when a dead rock [Earth] came to life. Proponents of evolution do believe this; they have to.

Beforehand, WS concedes, We may never know exactly how life got started. But we do know it was a strange brew. A dash of magical liquid, a sprinkle of stardust, and a crackle of energy. Mixed together in a big bubbling cauldron to make our rock come alive.” Although this language is meant to be somewhat tongue-in-cheek, it rather gives the game away, sounding much like the fairy tale which indeed it is.

Mae Jemison’s last two words are especially revealing. Not only does she depart from gradual processes that allegedly were in place over the vast eons of time, she (unwittingly) discloses that energy can destroy things. She hints at the notion that energy acting on stardust, and water somehow involved too, will start life. However, energy—unless directed in specific ways—tends to be destructive, not constructive.
In fact, the trailer for this episode includes this point in its descriptions of Earth: “so destructive”, “so fragile”, “so perfectly calibrated”, “it’s amazing we’re even here”.

Everything came together in just the right way to create the first
living cell, with DNA at its heart. Fast forward billions of years. And we find that all life today uses the same basic chemistry. And this points to one thing, it all originated in that first primitive cell.”
Note that word ‘create’. The very word implies a Creator, a deliberate action, not happenstance.
If these ‘evolutionary experts’ were truly open-minded and rational, surely they would at least consider the possibility that the Creator used the same four-letter alphabet to write many different recipes to make the various created kinds.
After all, real science demonstrates that life never comes from non-life, nor information from non-intelligent matter."