Friday, March 27, 2020

Creation Moment 3/28/2020 - Explosions Don't Make Things

For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast. Psalm 33:9

"Generations of atheistically leaning people have grappled with the question of the origin of stuff, and have sort of agreed that stuff came from “the Big Bang,” an explosion which in their humble opinion created everything.

Atheists and their followers are stuck between a rock and a hard place. It is easy to see how God could create! We can even agree that He could have made DNA. But how could an explosion do that? People who fight wars use explosions a lot, but they never use them to create because explosions don’t make things. They use them to destroy things because that is what explosions do. ..... poor atheists! To get rid of God, they needed to substitute something else to account for the things God does. They chose perhaps the worst choice possible: an explosion! The big bang!
An explosion is not almost like God, or sort of like God. It is not even neutral or questionable. It has no mind!
Ask yourself, “How could an explosion make an elephant or even its DNA?” An explosion is the complete opposite of a Creator! Explosions not only don’t create, they blow things apart!"
Thomas F. Heinze