Sunday, March 22, 2020

Creation Moment 3/23/2020 - Couple of Questions...

In the beginning God created.... Genesis 1:1
"The primary purpose of DNA and RNA is to store and transmit
Like a blank piece of paper or a hard drive, DNA, and RNA are not limited to a single message.
In computer terms, we can think of DNA and RNA as being the hardware, and the information that they contain as the software.
It is one thing to understand how a computer is made, and quite another to know where its software came from.
Q: Who wrote the system (the directions that tell the computer how to run)?
Q: Where did the information the computer stores and manages come from?
Atheistic origin of life researchers are still struggling to find a way that the hardware could have come about by naturalistic means, that is without an intelligent Creator.
So far, all I have seen them do with the problem of where the software came from is side step it. “If we can only show that the hardware had no Creator,” they seem to hope, the software would have taken care of itself.
Hardly! Programmers write our systems and programs, then each of us types his own data into it. The information we know of comes only from minds, never from matter or energy:
• When an archeologist finds an ancient book or inscription, he knows someone wrote it. {Charles B. Thaxton, “In Pursuit of Intelligent Causes” Origins & Design, Summer 2001, p. 28-29} I know of no scientist who contests this.
• The SETI Institute uses huge radio telescopes to search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Their scientists know that if they find an intelligent message coming from space, it will prove that we are not alone in the universe, but there is other intelligent life out there. {For documentation and further discussion see Heinze, How Life Began, p. 102-103, 131-133}. The SETI scientists, including the ones who are atheists, count on there being no exceptions to the fact that information always comes from intelligent beings.
Books on the origin of life tend to skip over the software problem. Where did the information written in the genes of the first cell come from?"
Thomas F. Heinze