Saturday, March 21, 2020

Creation Moment 3/22/2020 - RNA cannot arise in Nature

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible...
Colossians 1:16
"Others, instead of joining those who have given up on RNA, and searching for a simpler molecule on which life might have been built, claim that RNA may have formed on some clay which served as a template on which RNA was built.

They cite experiments which have shown that when fresh building blocks of RNA (nucleotides) are placed on clay daily, some will connect together to form short strings. {Editor: JW Schopf, Life’s Origin, James P. Ferris, “From Building Blocks to the Polymers of Life,” 2002, p. 123.}
Finding a scientist who would have been able to place fresh nucleotides on the clay daily before there were any living cells to produce the nucleotides may have been a bit of a problem on the primordial earth, because:
• Scientists can’t make nucleotides in the laboratory.
• In nature nucleotides are never produced except by living cells.
• If they did occur, they would not work because they would be mixed, right and left-handed. {Editor JW Schopf: Life’s Origin, Stanley L. Miller, and Antonio Lazcano, “Formation of the Building Blocks of Life,” 2002, p.98-100.}
Many biology books strip out these facts, leaving the impression that RNA forms in nature."
Thomas F. Heinze