Saturday, February 15, 2020

What will Interupt our Revelries?

"The words of Jesus addressed to this generation may well be
regarded with sorrow and awe.
He asks, "When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8).

Christ looked down the ages, and with prophetic eye marked the conflict between the antagonistic principles of truth and error.

He saw how real Christianity would become almost extinct in the world, so that at his second advent he would find a state of society similar to that which existed before the flood.

The world would be engaged in festivity and amusement, in theatrical shows, in the indulgence of base passions.
Intemperance of every grade would exist,
--and even the churches would be demoralized,
--and the Bible would be neglected and desecrated.
He saw that the desperate revelries of the last days would only be interrupted by the judgments of God."