Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The "Really" File - (De-Gender Clothing?)

The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.
Deuteronomy 22:5
"Alok Vaid-Menon attended the Business of Fashion’s annual “Voices” gathering  for so-called “big thinkers” in the industry
where he called for an end of clothing designed for men or women.

In his remarks, Alok Vaid-Menon, who is a man, described as an artist and designer but who is also a homosexual activist, called out the fashion industry’s “regressive” gender stereotypes and said designers should “de-gender” beauty.

“Gender neutrality is not the death of fashion — it is the renaissance of fashion,” Vaid-Menon, who goes by Alok, said at the event held in January in the United Kingdom.
BOF reported on its own event, which highlighted “the beauty of transgender and non-binary people:”

In their impassioned address, Vaid-Menon revealed that they were once cut from a shoot by a major fashion publication after overhearing the photographer whisper to the editor, “Do you want the best photo, or do you want the politically correct photo?”

It is because of dealings like this that Vaid-Menon called for the industry at large to be held accountable for proliferating an archaic notion of beauty.

Vaid-Menon encouraged companies to revise hiring structures and amplify trans and non-binary representation at a senior leadership level, stressing the need for a diverse range of genders, races, and sizes on runway shows and in campaigns.

Vaid-Menon has:
created and modeled three gender neutral collections 
From the "Really" File
over the past few years under their [sic] ‘namesake brand’ and he said it was time for fashion to “move beyond ‘gender-segregated stores and men’s magazines and women’s magazines
Voices is a completely different kind of fashion industry gathering,” the BOF website said. “The Business of Fashion presents Voices as an annual invitation-only event bringing together the movers, shakers and trailblazers of the fashion industry and uniting them with the big thinkers, entrepreneurs and inspiring people who are shaping the wider world.” Breitbart