Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Flood was Global

And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Matthew 24:39
"Regarding the extent of the Flood, the following points prove the worldwide nature of the Flood:
  • All of humanity was destroyed, which could not be accomplished by a regional flood.
  • Noah needed to take animals, including birds, on board.
  • God told Noah to build an enormous Ark rather than instruct him to move.
  • The sources for the water (all the springs of the great deep, floodgates of the heavens) indicate universality.
  • The water was deep enough to cover the mountains (including the region of Ararat) by 15 cubits.
Furthermore, the Flood must have killed all of humanity except for the Ark’s eight passengers:
  • Human sin was universal.
  • The Flood was the solution to God’s regret over creating mankind.
  • The judgment was a reversal of creation—a ‘do-over’.
  • The text describes a worldwide Flood, which would leave no survivors.
  • The text uses “universalistic rhetoric” to portray all people and animals as destroyed by the Flood." CMI