Monday, February 17, 2020

SDA Issues - The Interfaith Table of Rome

"The Three Angels’ Message rejects the core beliefs of the United
Nations. The UN is promoting a godless, secular agenda – feminism, the LGBT+ movement, abortion on demand, Rome’s ecumenical movement, Rome’s radical climate change agenda.........

The 2020 World Interfaith Harmony Week was celebrated at over 1,000 events worldwide.
Rome was no exception. There is an ecumenical organization in Rome called “Tavolo Interreligioso Di Roma” or the “Interfaith Table of Rome.” 
The Interfaith Table of Rome sponsored the United Nations’ 2020 World Interfaith Harmony Week and held their event on Monday, February 3, 2020 in the Ara Pacis Conference Room in Rome, Italy.

Buddhist, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Evangelicals, Roman Catholics
and Seventh-day Adventists participated in the 2020 World Interfaith Harmony Week sponsored by the Interfaith Table of Rome. Not only are Seventh-day Adventists listed as participants in the Interfaith Table of Rome’s website, but even the official Adventist website in Italy was promoting this event.

The UN and Rome are
---building an ecumenical theme park where all the religious faiths are seen as equal and on the same footing.
---They are pushing a social re-engineering agenda that will reduce the God of heaven into
-a modern multicultural,
-new age,
-spiritualistic guru
-who doesn’t judge people,
-who doesn’t punish sin,
-and who will eventually save all people whether they choose Him or not.
The early church was so faithful to this missionary commitment that in one generation they were able to turn “the world upside down” (Acts 17:6)."