Saturday, February 1, 2020

IN the NEWS - Sanders' First Day would include going Gen. 6:5

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

"Rising in the polls for the Democratic nomination, Bernie Sanders is feeling his oats and his campaign released today a list of
executive orders he would sign on Day 1 if he were to become president.
One of the top agenda items on his list is forcing Americans to fund the Planned Parenthood abortion business.
The Washington Post reviewed an internal campaign document from the Sanders campaign, which shows overturning President Trump’s pro-life policy is one of the first things he will do as president. Sanders would immediately sign an executive order to that effect.
During his first week in office, President Donald Trump issued an executive order known as the Mexico City Policy or the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Act that revoked taxpayer funding to the International Planned Parenthood abortion business.
The policy prohibits taxpayer funding to international groups that promote and/or provide abortions overseas, the biggest of which is the International Planned Parenthood Federation."