Thursday, February 13, 2020

IN the NEWS - Question for Tulsi on the 2020 Campaign Trail

WHY is it that it seems the only "rights" Politicians Pander towards are ones that degrade the body & soul?
Such as slaughtering the unborn, drugs, gay marriage and now Prostitution?
Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore....
Leviticus 19:29

"But in the decriminalization game, only Tulsi Gabbard has
decided to dip a toe into the realm of prostitution and other sex work.
If a consenting adult wants to engage in sex work, that is their right, and it should not be a crime,” Gabbard said in a statement this weekend to Reason. “All people should have autonomy over their bodies and their labor.
Gabbard is the only one to get a good grade on a recent report card put out by the group Decriminalize Sex Work (DSW). “Gabbard supports the full decriminalization of sex work, which removes criminal and civil penalties from adults engaged in consensual acts of prostitution,” the group reports.
DSW gave Gabbard an A-. She didn’t get a perfect score because she voted for FOSTA, which made hosting content that facilitates prostitution a federal crime."