Friday, February 7, 2020

IN the NEWS - Mayor/Pastor Pete's "Moral Lights" Rhetoric

...every man did that which was right in his own eyes.
Judges 21:25

"Pete Buttigieg refused to denounce late-term abortions after being confronted by The View co-host Meghan McCain.

McCain asked Mayor Pete to provide more context on an interview he recently did where he said, “A lot of parts of the Bible talk about how life begins with birth.”
McCain compared Buttigieg’s stance with that of Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, who infamously talked about keeping babies comfortable and deciding what to do with them after they are removed from the mother’s womb during late-term abortions.
The Democrat candidate, who claims to be a Christian, avoided answering McCain’s question and replied, “I’m just pointing to the fact that different people will interpret their own moral lights and, for that matter, interpret Scripture differently.”