Wednesday, February 19, 2020

IN the NEWS - Future Potential Damage of Doha to the Planet

This is Scary.....there is a movement by those from western democracies to globally persecute at the Hague "hate speech" STOP and ask yourself---what could the world do one day in the not too far future with such Marxist rooted PC nonsense IF targeted at a group that say--is critical of a certain entity as the Beast of Revelation or the Little Horn of Daniel? this Post-Modernist Nonsense, where criticism or disagreement is labeled as hate speech, this can be very dangerous....don't we already have people who claim that criticism of Papal Rome is "hate speech"?...yes we do...

Below is part of an article written by Shannon Maree Torrens, a so-called international and human rights lawyer from Sydney,Australia...(pics are from past Doha meeting)

"Early next month....the Doha Interfaith Dialogue Conference,
which will focus this year on the intersection of religion and hate speech.
This will be my second time speaking at this enriching gathering of practitioners, academics and other prominent figures, all with a shared interest in interfaith communication.... on the prosecution of hate speech at the highest level, at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.

A negative narrative is established by one group, which depicts the minority as being problematic, oppositional to the greater cause or deeply offensive in some way and that narrative is then used to justify the subsequent violence that is levelled against the minority. Hate speech is therefore a method or tactic used to incite violence and a form of propaganda that encourages and normalizes the perpetration of serious crimes against the individuals that comprise the targeted group...."
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. Revelation 13:7