Tuesday, February 11, 2020

IN the NEWS - Even in Islam.....

...and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. Revelation 13:15

This is an example of the plague of the Green Religion--that it not only has infiltrated Christianity--it has also plagued Islam....the point is that one can see how this Green Glue of "climate change" can unite the world with an excuse to wonder after the beast in order to set up the image of a counterfeit Sabbath---as a day of global rest.

"Afghanistan’s religious leaders preach about climate change.....

Mr. Saraji, 55, a father of seven, is a mullah and along with Friday sermons in his mosque in Afghanistan’s capital Kabul there are new topics being preached: climate change and protecting the environment.
Every week, hundreds of worshippers listen to his words and he is not the only one to introduce the environment into their weekly addresses.
Mr. Saraji oversees about 7,000 registered mosques across the country and encourages people to share the message about climate change."