Friday, February 14, 2020

Creation Moment 2/15/2020 - Quasars, Galaxies, Redshift & Day 4

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven... Genesis 1:14

"In a paper just published that looked for an association between putative parent galaxies and pairs of quasars, the authors found many such quasar families, suggesting that the association is real, and not just coincidental.

Karlsson proposed that quasars have an intrinsic non-cosmological redshift component which comes in discrete values (zK = 0.060, 0.302, 0.598, 0.963, 1.410, …). However, to properly detect any physical association, the candidate quasar redshift must be transformed into the rest frame of its putative parent galaxy’s redshift. (This assumes either the parent galaxy redshift is cosmological or, if not, that it is Hubble law related but not due to expansion of the universe.)
Then the transformed redshift of the candidate companion quasar is associated with the closest Karlsson redshift, zK, so that the remaining redshift velocity component—the putative velocity of ejection away from the parent object—can be obtained.
In this manner it is possible to detect a physical association, even in the case where parent galaxies have high redshift values.
If this process is neglected, no association may be found. Such was done in several papers, applied to large galaxy/quasar surveys, claiming to debunk the Arp hypothesis.

As an example, in one instance, within one 4 degree area on the sky, seven quasar families were found to be statistically correlated with parent galaxies. The probability of this occurring by random chance was calculated as follows:
For a binomial distribution … the probability of 7 hits for one 4 square degree area is … = 1.089 × 10-9. Under these conditions, the detection of 7 families with this particular constraint set is extraordinary.”
Generally, the results of this paper are a confirmation of the quasar
family detection algorithm described by Fulton and Arp, which was used to analyze the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) and the 2dF Quasar Redshift Survey (2QZ) data sets. This means that using the SDSS and 2MRS data sets the correlation found in Fulton and Arp (2012) is further strengthened.

This means that to a very high probability, much higher than a random association, certain quasars are physically associated with lower redshift galaxies.
The quasars are found in pairs or higher multiples of two. The results further imply that these quasar redshifts indicate a real ejection velocity component and a large intrinsic non-velocity or non-cosmological redshift component.

What does all this mean for Biblical Creation?
Number one, it is strongly critical of the big bang hypothesis that all stars and galaxies result from the early big bang universe.

---This describes a scenario of quasars being ejected from active parent galaxies in a hierarchical process.
--*--If quasars are associated with parent galaxies, which have much smaller redshifts than the associated quasars, then that changes the whole story of the alleged evolution of the universe.
---Many quasars are more local than at enormous cosmological distances. That is, their large redshifts do not indicate a measure of distance. Again, this brings the standard big bang cosmology into conflict.
Q: How do you explain this from a big bang perspective?
A: From a Biblical Creation perspective it is straightforward: God created the galaxies on Day 4 of Creation Week using this hierarchical process, where quasars are ejected from the active hearts of their parents. And we are observing, now, the results of that process."