Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Creation Moment 2/13/2020 - These 2 Lies Crept into Christendom

"There’s a big lie that has crept into much for the church.
--1--And that’s the idea that God used millions of years and/or evolution to create the universe, earth, and life here on earth.
--2--And there’s another subtle lie that goes along with this one . . . and that’s the idea that it doesn’t really matter what a Christian believes about Genesis. It’s just a side issue, and we can all agree to disagree.

 Some Christians will say that sincere, Bible-believing Christians disagree about many different things such as views of eschatology, modes of baptism, speaking in tongues, the sabbath day, etc. And, of course, that’s true. But all these issues involve people arguing primarily from Scripture to justify their positions—not from things outside Scripture.

But when it comes to Genesis, all the different views within the church, such as day-age theory, framework hypothesis, theistic evolution, local flood, and so on, all have one thing in common.
Every one of these positions involves taking man’s belief in millions of years, based on the religion of naturalism, and trying to fit this into Scripture. 

--This involves eisegesis (reading ideas into Scripture), not exegesis (reading ideas out of Scripture).
--*--And adding millions of years into Scripture then blames God (not our sin) for death, suffering, and disease for millions of years (as they interpret the fossil record) preceding man.
 Millions of years” is an attack on the character of God and undermines the gospel."