Tuesday, February 18, 2020

146 texts supports interpretation of Dan. 8:14

"Daniel 8:14Unto two thousand three hundred days, and then shall the sanctuary be cleansed."

 Heretofore, the cleansing of the sanctuary had been supposed to refer to the cleansing of the earth by fire; but a careful examination of the one hundred forty-six texts in which this word occurs,
revealed the fact that the earthly tabernacle of the Old Testament was simply a pattern of that in the heavens

  As early as 1771, the Lutheran prelate Ross, Bengel’s disciple, wrote:
But that Moses saw the typical signification of the ceremonial laws, and that other might have come to the same knowledge through him, appears, because he was the heavenly antitype of the earthly tabernacle on Mount Sinai. Ex. 25:40; 26:30; Acts 7:44; Heb. 8:5
 He did not behold a shadow of the earthly tabernacle, as one might show a picture or an object by a magic lantern or by a painting, but he was the true heavenly sanctuary, of which the earthly sanctuary was a type. Heb. 8:5
 Thus Moses learned, and through him all Israelites might have known, that there was a heavenly sanctuary and an earthly; and as the earthly had its priests and sacrifices, likewise the heavenly must also have a priest and a sacrifice; for without this a sanctuary or temple in heaven was in vain. . .Moses saw the heavenly sanctuary, but not as John, long after him, saw it.”
The priests on earth served “unto the example and shadow of heavenly things,” and their daily and annual service was a shadow of the daily and final service of our great High Priest.  As the Adventists, although not understanding the place of the cleansing, believed and taught that judgment was to be meted out in 1844, it remains an indisputable historical fact that the first angel’s message, “Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth,” etc., was truly given at that time, and is still being preached in all the world as “the everlasting gospel.” As the churches generally rejected the message from God, and cast its believers from their midst, the second angel’s message was added to the first."