Thursday, February 6, 2020

10 Green Commandments (Spiritual Lunacy)

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Galatians 1:6

The 10 Green Commandments by Fr. Joshtrom Kureethadam----

"The Ten Green Commandments of Laudato Si’ is my attempt to gather the encyclical’s main ideas into a concise package and arrange them according to the “see-judge-act” framework increasingly used in social sciences.

I. Earth, our common home, is in peril. Take care of it. God loves his creation and so must we, and “love” is an active verb.
II. Listen to the cry of the poor who are the disproportionate victims of the crisis of our common home. The ecological crisis is not only a physical problem, but also a deeply moral one.
III. Rediscover a theological vision of the natural world as good news (gospel). The world is indeed “good news” that reveals the love, beauty, and glory of the Creator.
IV. Recognize that the abuse of creation is ecological sin. The destruction of our common home calls for repentance.
V. Acknowledge the deeper human roots of the crisis of our common home. Repentance begins by acknowledging human responsibility for the destruction.
VI. Develop an integral ecology, as we are all interrelated and interdependent. As every ecologist (and every farmer) knows, you cannot do just one thing.
VII. Learn a new way of dwelling in our common home and manage it more responsibly through a new economics and a new political culture. We need a new way to live on Earth, including a new economy and a new political order, focused on the common good of all creation.
VIII. Educate toward ecological citizenship through change of lifestyles. Ecological citizenship means establishing a new covenant between humanity and the natural world.
IX. Embrace an ecological spirituality that leads to communion with all creatures. The natural world is permeated with divine presence.
X. Care for our common home by cultivating the ecological virtues of praise, gratitude, care, justice, work, sobriety, and humility.

---But God Says---
The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof;
---they have transgressed the laws,
---changed the ordinance,
---broken the everlasting covenant.
Isaiah 24:5