Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The "Happy New Year" Greeting

Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.
2 Corinthians 8:21

"The old year has gone. The words, “I wish you a Happy New Year,” are repeated far and near, .... In a world like ours, this New Year's greeting seems more appropriate than the “Merry Christmas,” so lately echoed from lip to lip.

... But whatever the cares and sorrows of life, whatever its mistakes and errors, the words, “A Happy New Year,” uttered as an expression of love and respect, fall pleasantly upon the ear.....

And yet, are not these kindly wishes often forgotten with the utterance?
How often we fail of carrying their import into the daily life, and thus aid in their fulfilment!
----How often the New Year's greeting is uttered by insincere lips, from hearts that would not forego one selfish gratification in order to make others happy!"
E.G.W. 1903