Friday, January 10, 2020

That Rule about Rules

The flood came and took them all away.
Matthew 24:30

"WE commonly say that
---there is no rule without an exception,” and
---certainly the rule that there is no rule without an exception has an exception to itself,
---for the rules of God are without exception.

I. I shall have to call your attention to-night to three rules that are without exception, and the first is the one before us — THE
The destruction caused by the deluge was universal. It did not merely sweep away some who were out of the ark, but it swept them all away.
As the great man will not purchase an escape by all that which he hath stored up, so neither will the poor man be delivered because of his poverty.

II. It appears that when the flood came it found them all eating and drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage, and according to the text, THIS ALSO was a rule without an exception.
Is it not a very solemn thing that it is so now, that without any exception the mass of mankind are still neglectful of their souls, still busy about their fleeting interests, and negligent of eternal realities? There are no exceptions to this rule among natural men.
The text seems to hint that they did not think of preparing for the coming flood because they were so busy in the base enjoyment of mere eating.
Ah! how merry were they in their cups!

III. The last consideration shall be but very briefly handled, but it is a very comforting one, namely, that ALL WHO WERE IN THE ARK WERE SAFE.
Nobody fell out of that divinely-appointed refuge; nobody was dragged out ; nobody died in it; nobody was left to perish in it. All who went in came out unharmed.
The ark preserved them all, and so will Jesus Christ preserve all in him. Whoever may come to him shall be secure."
Charles Spurgeon