Saturday, January 4, 2020

Papal Notes - A Shaman for Christmas

"A false, pagan eco-gospel that mixes theology and nature is spreading rapidly.

The worship of the Creator is being replaced with worship to the creation. All this is happening under the pretext of caring for the environment. Not even the story of Christ’s birth is safe from the idolatrous, false cult of nature worship.

Every year Rome holds a Christmas concert in the Pope Paul VI Audience Hall in Vatican City. On Saturday, December 14, 2019, approximately 5,000 people attended the Christmas concert while another 2,000,000 watched on television.

Pope Francis appeared through video and welcomed the guests.
For the first time during the Christmas concert the Vatican brought a young, indigenous woman from the Amazon who is a “Shaman” (a Spirit medium).

The Shaman stood up halfway through the Christmas celebration and asked the “Catholic” audience in attendance to cross their hands over their chest and to feel the strong vibration from the heart of “Mother Earth.” She also told the audience that they have a “Spirit” within that allows them to understand the messages from “Mother Earth.”

The Shaman said to the Catholic audience:
I want you to place your arms in this position (cross) right where you are sitting. You will feel a strong vibration. It’s
the heart. Your heart, but also the heart of Mother Earth.”
On the other side, where there is silence, is the Spirit. The Spirit who allows you to understand the message of our Mother.”
For us indigenous peoples, Mother Earth, the Hicha Gueia, is everything. It is the Mother who gives us food, sacred water, medicinal plants; and she reminds us of our origin to the creation. That is why we offer to her our placenta during birth and our first hair cut. Our connection with her is constant just as we hear our heart beat.”

 Top Vatican prelates obey the words of the Amazonian Shaman
and participate in this strange pagan ritual during a celebration that was suppose to commemorate the birth of Jesus.

Romanism is embracing Spiritualism, and Protestantism is embracing Romanism. This will be the means that will unite all of the churches into one body.
Unless the faithful stay engaged in a continuous battle to defend the “commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” (Revelation
14:12) there will be nothing left for them to defend because the enemies of present truth are waging a relentless war against our historic faith and they have no intention of letting up – ever. I am amazed to see the deafening silence on the part of many so-called “watchmen” who act as though nothing is happening."