Monday, January 13, 2020

More Proof of a Pre-Advent Judgment

"The gospel of Christ is the "power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes" Roman 1:16.
No other gospel than this can be preached,
not even by an angel from heaven. 

Thus it follows that the angel of Rev. 14:6,7 preaching the everlasting gospel, represents some part of the the great gospel proclamation. 
It is a part of that preaching which is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes. ...

That this announcement of the hour of God's judgment
---precedes the advent of Christ,
---and is addressed to men while yet in probation,
..........the fourteenth chapter of Revelation clearly proves. 

 This is not some local judgments is proved by the fact that "every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people," are concerned in it. 
It is evidently that part of the judgment which precedes the coming of Christ, and as has been already shown, this is the work of determining who shall be accounted worth to have part in the resurrection to immortal life."
J.N. Andrews