Sunday, January 19, 2020

IN the NEWS - Mt. St. Helens Glacier: View into Post-Flood World

"A glacier growing within the steaming caldera of the Mount St Helens volcano is another stark reminder that long ages are not needed for such features to appear.

After the chaos of the major eruption in 1980, Mount St Helens—in Washington State, USA—quickly recovered its flora and fauna providing some insight into the return of life to the world after Noah’s Flood.

Both Mount St Helens and the worldwide Flood were cataclysmic geologic events involving extreme volcanism (...the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.Genesis 7:11), flooding, and the destruction of life—one on a local, the other on a global scale.
The appearance of the Mount St Helens glacier is an insight into the conditions that Noah and his descendants faced."