Thursday, January 30, 2020

IN the NEWS - Dangerous Days in America

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast,...
Revelation 13:17

Now this is not likely to pass the current Republican Senate--- and IF it did, would likely be Vetoed by President Trump... But ask yourself--
WHY are there Politicians in the U.S. who would like to use the Powers of Government to PUNISH people because of their Religious or Political views?
How did we get here?
WHY do some of YOU support these Politicians or that Political Party--such as Pastor Paulson?
Imagine what one could do with this system during the early stages of the Mark of the Beast...

"House Democrats voted against an amendment on Wednesday, which would have stopped the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) from demanding credit bureaus evaluate Americans’ credit scores based on religion, politics and other aspects.

The failed amendment would have prevented the CFPB from forcing private credit score companies to “make use of information related to political opinions, religious expression, or other expression protected by the First Amendment, whether obtained from a social media account of a consumer or other sources.
The CFPB, established by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) during the Obama administration, would have the legal authority to force credit agencies to assign numbered scores to citizens directly reflecting the information gathered.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said if the Senate passes the bill without the proposed amendment, the CFPB would be granted “unchecked authority on credit score modeling, without any built-in measure to stop potential abuse of power or violation of our Constitutional rights.”
The system would resemble Communist China’s social credit system,” which bans citizens from traveling or living in certain areas if they do anything the state disapproves of.
It’s imperative for this information to be shared across the internet and for Americans to call their Senators and let them know We The People do not approve of a Chinese-style credit system."