Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Decade Viewer Update: 2011-2019

Decade Viewer Update: 2011-2019 {2,430,001}
Where YOU were Viewing From
Top 10 Nations
#1 U.S.A. (78.0%)
#2 Russia (4.6%)
#3 France (2.7%)
#4 Ukraine (2.7%)
#5 Germany (1.7%)
# 6 Australia (1.3%)
#7 Britain (0.6%)
#8 Canada (0.6%)
#9 Spain (0.3%)
#10 Portugal (0.3%)
ALL OTHER's of the remaining 185 NATIONS (7.2%)
Leading among "Others" were, Poland, India, Brazil, Philippines, South Korea
The eternal God is thy refuge,
 and underneath are the everlasting arms:
Deuteronomy 33:27
Top 10 MOST VIEWED Posts of the Last DECADE

1) SCAM ALERT-"Prophet" Manasseh Jordan
2) BEST of 2017 - (Year in Review)
3) BEST of 2018 - (Year in Review)
4) FAINTING FORM of the mother of Christ
5) Creation Moment 3/27/2015 - Shopping
6) BEST of 2016 - (Year in Review)
7) Creation Moment 8/22/2016 - Why Christ Had No Human Father
8) Pope Urban VIII's "Endor" Moment
9) HEALTH Archives PAGE
10) SDA Issues - One, Two Punch (Civil War)