Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Creation Moment 1/8/2020 - Magic, Hat & Wand of Darwinism

Though thou shouldest bray a fool in a mortar among wheat with a pestle, yet will not his foolishness depart from him. Proverbs 27:22

"Outlandish claims are being made by Darwinists on pure faith that right environments will trigger innovation by chance.

Make up a word. Call it Galumph or something.

Tell your audience that Galumph is capable of doing magic, like pulling a rabbit out of a hat. All you have to do is provide the right hat, and the rabbit will naturally jump out.
If it happens as part of a stage act, that would be entertainment.
But if a scientist told you that nature does that all the time, would that count as evidence for the Galumph hypothesis? Would you believe him, just because he is an expert in evolutionary biology?

Watch and see if that is not the trick being played on the unwary in this paper in Science. We’ll point out the hat (the environment). Look for the magic—the claim that if the hat is right, the magic will occur.

Evolution of carnivorous traps from planar leaves through simple shifts in gene expression (Science).
A team of ten international scientists, mostly from China, contends that a “simple shift” in gene expression of a particular gene causes a leaf to curl.
That’s the hat.
Out of that—given enough time with natural selection—carnivorous plants could evolve.
That’s the magic.
From there, natural selection is sure to bring about the Venus flytrap, with its bilobed trap, and the bladderwort, which can trap small insects in milliseconds.

.....in the same issue of Science,Building a carnivorous trap.” First, they give their obligatory bow to master magician Charlie who, incidentally, wrote a book about carnivorous plants. With his magic wand called Natural Selection, Charlie announces the magic act to come (if you can wait millions of years)."