Thursday, January 30, 2020

Creation Moment 1/31/2020 - One Way to Evenly Heat a Planet whom also he made the worlds... Hebrews 1:2
More PLANETARY UNIQUENESS of the Creator....well this is one way to evenly heat a planet...

"The dayside of this scorching world is so hot that it splits hydrogen molecules in twain. But don’t worry, they can recombine after migrating to the planet’s cooler nightside.

The planet, KELT-9b.....roughly three times the mass of Jupiter, orbits its star every day and a half, and is a whopping 7,800 degrees Fahrenheit.
Just for the record, that’s hotter than some stars.
And according to new research, the planet's dayside is also hot enough to tear apart hydrogen molecules, which astronomers recently observed....astronomers think the heat of the nearby star is tearing apart molecules of hydrogen on the hellish world, which then drift around to the planet’s dark side and reform.
Based on models, this action of separation and recombination explains how heat can be more evenly distributed, Mansfield explains."