Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Creation Moment 1/22/2020 - Magic Charlie Wand Strikes Again

But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise;
1 Corinthians 1:27

"When they have a magic wand, evolutionists see everything as a rabbit and every environment as a hat.
In Darwinism, magic is an everyday thing.

Whenever an organism thrives in its habitat, the habitat must have brought forth the organism—like magic.

But do Stanford bunnies emerge from 3-D printers all by themselves? This is the fallacy of Darwinism.
A tall tree does not create the giraffe to eat its leaves.
The properties of H2O do not create dolphins and ichthyosaurs to swim in it.
Wood does not create a woodpecker, nor do the physical properties of a brain cause sense to emerge.

But “evolution” is a magic word, and “natural selection” is its magic wand.
It can make Stuff Happen without the need for necessary and sufficient causes. Evolution is necessary and sufficient in and of itself. Why would any biologist look further? Give it millions of unobserved years, and stuff must happen. It’s a law of nature.

How Do You Call Someone Who Lacks Ears?
Study Traces Evolution of Acoustic Communication (University of Arizona). [Reader warning! A “study” has occurred. Be prepared to be hoodwinked!]
Imagine taking a hike through a forest or a stroll through
a zoo and not a sound fills the air, other than the occasional chirp from a cricket. No birds singing, no tigers roaring, no monkeys chattering – and no human voices, either. Acoustic communication among vertebrate animals is such a familiar experience that it seems impossible to imagine a world shrouded in silence.
But why did the ability to shout, bark, bellow or moo evolve in the first place? In what is likely the first study of its kind, John J. Wiens, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology in the University of Arizona College of Science, and Zhuo Chen, a visiting scientist from Henan Normal University in Xinxiang, China, traced the evolution of acoustic communication in terrestrial vertebrates back to 350 million years ago.
It seems sensible to suppose that acoustic communication presupposes the existence of ears. No problem. Evolution must have invented those, too, even though the “study” did not consider the complexities of an ear.
Nothing is too difficult to imagine for an experienced “professor of ecology and evolutionary biology.” After all, he has 350 million Darwin Years to play with for ears and sound generators to emerge.
Why, even Luciano Pavarotti and Maria Callas are predictable outcomes of this theory.

With his magic Charlie wand, U of A prof John Wiens can even explain opposite outcomes, given so much time.
The authors [of the “study”] point out that their findings likely apply not only to acoustic communication, but also to other evolutionary traits driven by the ecological conditions known to shape the evolution of species.  While it had been previously suggested that ecology was important for signal evolution, it was thought to apply mostly to subtle differences among closely related species.
“Here, we show that this idea of ecology shaping signal evolution applies over hundreds of millions of years and to fundamental types of signals, such as being able to communicate acoustically or not,” Wiens said.
The power of natural selection over millions of years is an idea that grows on the biology student. Just close your eyes and imagine. "