Thursday, January 16, 2020

Creation Moment 1/17/2020 - Death & Darwinism

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.
Psalm 116:15

"In the nineteenth century, German biologist Ernst Haeckel gained fame as an outspoken promoter of Darwin’s theory.

In his opinion, modern civilizations that care for the disabled are interfering with the evolutionary principle of survival of the fittest.

He urged them to follow “the example of the Spartans and Redskins” who killed disabled infants immediately after birth. He also favored euthanasia for disabled adults.

On this side of the Atlantic as well, Darwinism led many prominent thinkers to accept abortion and euthanasia. One historian [Cynthia E. Russett] writes, “The most pivotal turning point in the early history of the euthanasia movement was the coming of Darwinism to America.”