Wednesday, December 18, 2019

SDA Issues - Same could be said today for Spectrum Magazine, etc.

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine... Ephesians 4:14

Same could be said today for Spectrum Magazine, AT, La Sierra, John McLarty, Dan Jackson, the One Project, etc....

"You may point to some of our leading brethren who have not accepted and rejoiced in the light given, but have intercepted themselves between the light and the people, that it should not reach them; but they must answer to God for their position.

They are certainly working away from Christ, instead of working in
harmony with Him;
----but will their attitude and position excuse you for turning from the light which the Lord has thrown upon you pathway?
----I am sorry that you are in such great blindness that you are unable to distinguish the voice of God from that of the enemy.

I have repeatedly presented before you and others that there would
come a shaking time, when everything that can be shaken will be shaken, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.

We are now entering upon that time.
Your spirit is an offence to God, for you receive not the things that are of God, but range yourself on the enemy's side to oppose God in the very work He is doing for this time.
Your discourses are dry and spiritless.
Your strength is weakness,
yet you rely upon your own wisdom."