Monday, December 9, 2019

On the Streets of Babylon: Staging "hate" crimes on the Streets

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,

Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seem to be some staging "so-called Hate Crimes" on the Streets of Babylon  so as to BEAR FALSE WITNESS against their fellow citizens who don't vote the way they do......

"The “Heil Trump,” a swastika and “Fag Church” graffiti on the side of the pro-gay church made news in Indiana where the St.
David’s Episcopal Church had apparently been vandalized.
Like most anti-gay vandalism done to liberal churches, it was done by someone on the inside in order to signal victimhood. Unlike most such church “hate crimes,” however, the police were able to actually nail the suspect who did it to their own church to make a point.

The culprit, according to the Washington Post, was the church’s own gay organist, who attended the church because of its pro-gay views. It was the organist, Nathan Stang, who committed the vandalism and Stang who reported it.
After investigating the matter, police determined that nobody in the community was familiar the church was pro-queer except for the few dozen or so members in the church. That’s when they started looking at cellphone records for church members and determined that Nathan Strang had made and received calls and/or texts in the area, even though he claimed to have been out of town.
After questioning him, Strang admitted to it."