Tuesday, December 10, 2019

IN the NEWS - Swiss to Lay All on the Altar of LGBT?

Will the Swiss Lay All on the Altar of LGBT? Apparently the Swiss are attempting to Criminalize differences of opinion in the public arena as "hate" speech that needs to be banned as it relates to the LBGT agenda.
This CREEPING CULTURAL MARXISM is posing a THREAT to Freedom in all Western Democracies.
...they are a perverse and crooked generation. Deuteronomy 32:5

"...Eleganti believes that current legislation against violence and discrimination suffices to protect all groups in Swiss society and
that LGBT people, like vegans and Catholics, need no special protection. Freedom of speech, however, may suffer a blow if the new law passes.
Criticizing the LGBT lobby’s opinions must continue to be allowed if we see ourselves as a tolerant society," the bishop said.
The co-president of Switzerland’s LGBT lobby group “Pink-Cross” has argued that the new law would not undermine legitimate freedom of expression.
Hate is not opinion,” said Michel Rudin, who believes that violent attacks on homosexuals are caused by anti-LBGT speech.
Had the law already been passed, Eleganti might have found himself on the wrong side of it when he suggested a link between a clerical homosexual subculture and the Church’s sexual abuse crisis.
In an interview with EWTN Germany, the auxiliary bishop quoted the report of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury when he said: “90% [of the abuse cases] are in direct connection with a homosexual inclination.”