Sunday, December 8, 2019

IN the NEWS - Matt.19:24 & Bananas

Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God. Matthew 19:24

This story below has 2 components to it:
1- An EXAMPLE of the Rich who have so much money (as to spend it on duct taped bananas) that you get a clearer picture of Matthew 19:24 in focus.
2- And a big L-O-L when you read what someone did to said banana.....

"On Friday, we reported on the latest bizarre milestone in the "art" world, when a banana duct-taped to a wall sold for $120,000 at that excess-liquidity conclave of ultra rich and other wannabe poseurs known Art Basel Miami Beach.
Worse, a second banana duct-taped to a wall also sold for $120,000. Yet even worse than that, a third banana duct-taped to a
wall is expected to sell for $150,000.
Then on Saturday, at around 1:45pm, the art world was shocked and the art gallery stunned, when a random man ate said duct-taped banana that sold earlier this week for $120,000.
Perrotin was about to head to the airport when he heard about the banana being eaten and rushed back, according to the Herald. An attendee tried to cheer him up by handing him a banana. A borrowed replacement banana was eventually re-adhered to the wall, because "art." 

Whereas the "art" world was briefly outraged after the $120,000 rotting banana was calmly eaten, unaware that they themselves were the joke, normal people argued this piece is a perfect representation of what the art world has become with its gaping wealth inequalities and where idiotic "art" such as a banana duct taped to a wall sells for $120,000.
Yet others blamed the Fed for flooding the world with so much money that a banana duct taped to a wall was actually bought by someone for $120,000.
As for Datuna, who calmly ate the banana in front of a room full of shocked "art" fans before he was confronted by an art gallery worker, his parting words were "see you after jail, guys."