Thursday, December 12, 2019

IN the NEWS - Look what the BBC Invented for Children

...inventors of evil things... Romans 1:30

"The BBC have released nine online videos titled “The Big Talk” for use in British schools as part of the UK’s new Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) curriculum, which came into force in September 2019.

In these films, typically running to four minutes, children are taught that sex is unrelated to gender, that people can go to prison for “being disrespectful or hateful” (to others with different sexual orientations), and that there are “over 100 different gender identities.”
Yes, you read that correctly, more than 100 gender identities have now been coined to cater for every possible choice that certain people have made regarding their sexuality.
It was widely reported in the UK media that the BBC encourages “celebration” of this plethora of genders.

To question this ideology is now considered rank heresy.
The unpalatable truth is that a radical, dangerous philosophy is now being forced upon the young and vulnerable as part of the advancement of an extreme political ideology.

The Coalition for Marriage reports children as young as four are being instructed in transgenderism—this is a gravely concerning situation."