Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Are they Serious????....(sigh)

"Greta’s mother, Malena Ernman, claims in her book, Scenes from the Heart: Our Life for the Climate, ...contending that little Greta has somehow been gifted” with the supernatural ability to
visualize CO2 levels everywhere she goes.
Greta is able to see what other people cannot see,” Malena further explains about Greta in her book.
She can see carbon dioxide with the naked eye. She sees how it flows out of chimneys and changes the atmosphere in (sic) a landfill.”

Malena, who supports Antifa along with her husband, admits that Greta was indoctrinated with climate propaganda from a very young age. Seeing photos of plastic in the ocean and hearing about global warming at schools reportedly caused “a landslide in Greta’s environment” that would ultimately change the course of her future.
Unlike other little girls who played dolls with their friends and enjoyed the innocence of life as a youth, Greta was basically groomed into becoming a climate activist.

And her own mother admits that this had a detrimental effect on young Greta’s health – though it was for a “good cause.”
Malena says that Greta eventually stopped going to school entirely after falling into what seemed like a deep depression. Greta cried all the time, and would only speak to her parents and one of her sisters. By the time she turned 11, Greta had succumbed to full-blown depression – which isn’t something that any 11-year-old should have to experience.
But the climate anxiety that obviously developed from all of the climate propaganda that she was exposed to at home and in school clearly took a major toll on Greta’s mental health.
It wasn’t until Greta’s family agreed to use less heat in the winter and stop eating meat that Greta finally began to ascend out of her mental rut."
Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men;
and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
1 Corinthians 2:14