Sunday, December 22, 2019

IN the NEWS - Feminism Leads to Claims Christ Sinned

....even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them,... 2 Peter 2:1

"The theological ineptness of Karen Swallow Prior, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary’s new professor, knows no limits. In her attempt to defend female preachers, the self-professed feminist and animal rights activist claimed that Jesus broke the Sabbath,
making it okay that women bend the Bible’s rules on preaching.

......her Twitter profile, cites Luke 14 to demonstrate (in her opinion) that Jesus broke the Sabbath and so it’s okay for women to bend a few rules.

The ones who misunderstood the Sabbath were the Pharisees who added legalistic standards not actually found in Scripture.
There was no prohibition in Moses’ law against traveling or preparing grain to eat when done by necessity (Jesus clarified these exceptions in Luke 14:15).
The Sabbath was not a “lighter matter of the Law.” Jesus taught more about the Sabbath than any other commandment. He defended his lawful use of the day (other sins he was accused of, like drunkenness, he didn’t even respond to).

A feminist professor at this institution thinks Jesus sinned."